Released: August 2013
Client: Hasbro, with Enter the Studio
The Transformers Construct-Bots app for iOS allows players to construct Transformers robots out of a large number of pieces and then send it into battle against a series of opponents.
Enter the Studio created the game and did most of the work on the app, but Duck and Penguin helped out. We worked on the UI and localization. We also created the localization engine and wrote a few native plugins for iOS.
The localization engine used NGUI’s UILocalize and Localization classes for the localization of text, but since certain languages might require different prefabs, we created a system to select the correct prefab for any particular language. Also, since Unity doesn’t have a built-in way to get ISO language and locale codes, from a device, we wrote native plugins for both iOS and Android that could return a device’s language code, locale code, and country code. Finally, there was a system to determine which localization data to use based on language code and locale code (so a French Canadian could get different content than a French person from France).
You can download the iOS app here:
You can download the Android app here:
Some of the technologies used:
- Unity and C# for most of the underlying code.
- The NGUI package for most of the UI content and interaction.
- Objective-C for the native iOS plugins.
- Java for the native Android plugins.
- Easy Code Scanner for the QR code scanning and the cross-platform iOS/Android support.
- Etcetera for the ability to save screenshots to a device’s photo gallery on both iOS and Android.
- Omniture ADMS for data tracking.
[…] Transformers: Construct Bots […]